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Life was hard. But the people of Rosalbali remained resilient. They found ways to overcome their circumstances but not without adversity. Collecting water from the river and the firewood to purify it has taken a toll on their bodies. Using what little money they have to purchase purified water has taken a toll on their livelihoods. But their resilience kept hope alive that one day things would change.

Heidi Johnson

It can be difficult to understand what life is like without access to clean water. Rosario’s story demonstrates the transformation that occurs when someone gains access to clean water. Rosario lives in rural Mexico. She was married at a young age and had her first child when she was only 13. Like many women, Rosario…

Heidi Johnson

The love of Christ, combined with scripture, has a transformative effect. It reveals to people who they really are – image bearers of God. The staff at Healing Waters strives to embody God’s love in all that we do. When our teams enter a community, they let people know that they are there to provide…

simple act of kindness

The name “Healing Waters” came from the very first project we ever did in the community of La Victoria, Dominican Republic in 2002. Our founders partnered with the local protestant church to provide a tangible tool of safe water to meet the physical and spiritual needs of their community. How a Simple Act of Kindness Changed…

In a small, remote community in Guatemala, twelve-year-old Theresa lives among her relatives and neighbors in Barrio Nevago, an indigenous community. Barrio Nevago has historically had little interaction with the local church and an aversion to Christian beliefs. Instead of engaging with the church, the people here often practice rituals to the founder of their…

Healing Waters International was never designed to be a disaster relief organization. Rather, we focus on long-term, sustainable solutions that transform life on several levels for communities. One of our core values is that we strive to serve 1,000 people for 10 years instead of 10,000 people for one year then fail. We believe that…

One of my favorite quotes ever is by the ever-hopeful and inspiring Fred Rogers of Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood. The quote goes, “When I was a boy and would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, ‘look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.’” When I think about this…

Merce's Story

Occasionally, you meet people who—without knowing it—completely change your perspective and help you reevaluate your purpose. This summer, I met someone who did that for me. Her name was Merce. She originated from Spain but moved to the Dominican Republic to make a difference there. Merce first visited the country at the ripe age of nineteen…

I have always been fascinated by water because of its vast characteristics and roles in the world. Water, in its simplest form, is two hydrogen molecules bonded by hydrogen bonds to an oxygen molecule. Those three simple things are what sustains life as we know it. Humans can only survive three days without water. Then you…