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Clean Water Projects for Students

Did you know that Monday, March 22, 2021, is World Water Day? In 1993, the United Nations established every March 22 as World Water Day to help raise awareness of the 2.2 billion people living without access to safe water. That means 1 in every 3 people lacks access to the safe water they need…

Healing Waters Media

What Is a Water Nonprofit?

An ad pops up on your social media account for a water-centered nonprofit organization, and you might wonder, “Why? What is the big deal about water, and why is there a need to raise money surrounding it? After all, water is everywhere.”  But water isn’t readily available to people living in impoverished companies. That can be…

clean water

Clean water is a human right. So how is it that, according to UNICEF, 2.2 billion people worldwide still don’t have access to safe drinking water, causing a newborn to die every minute and a child under five to die every 12 seconds? To give perspective to 2.2 billion people, consider that there are currently 7.8…

Healing Waters Media

Health & Hygiene Training for Developing Countries

Proper health and hygiene practices can save lives, especially in developing countries where impoverished children are most at-risk. Diarrheal infection is the leading cause of children under the age of five. Every day, 2,195 children lose their lives to diarrhea, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). That’s more than AIDS, malaria,…