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In the small neighboring communities of Rosarito, Albores, and Alianza in Chiapas, Mexico, Healing Waters is implementing cutting-edge technologies and collaborating with the local government to create an advanced water system that will significantly impact the communities by bringing water directly to household taps. Healing Waters calls this collection of communities involved in the project, â€śRosalbali”.…

A seemingly impossible situation in Guatemala In the mountainous regions of Guatemala where people rely on coffee farming for their livelihoods, access to safe water is extremely limited. The town, El Pajal, has access to a spring that provides clean water, but it is not nearly enough to meet the demands of all of the…

In the community of San JosĂ© Monteverde, in Oaxaca, Mexico, Healing Waters International implemented the first project of its kind – to pipe water from a river, over a mountain to reach the community on the other side. This project provides Healing Water’s largest water supply (over 27,000 gallons per day), climbing a distance of…