Love is expansive. When it flows from the true source of love, it knows no bounds. Love seeks wholeness and restoration for others, overflowing like water from a full vessel to refresh everyone nearby. Loving Your Neighbor In Huehuetenango, Guatemala, the Healing Waters team is building a community rooted in care and connection. Phase 1 of…
Category: Advent
Acts 20:35 reminds us that it is more blessed to give than to receive. Generosity has the power to create a more just and equitable world, which is one reason why giving is so valuable. However, the benefits of giving extend beyond its impact on others; it also profoundly influences the giver. The Joy of Giving…
 In both Guatemala and Haiti, conflict disrupts water access, leaving communities struggling to survive in the aftermath. Access to safe water fosters restoration and stability, establishing a foundation for reconciliation and healing. It is no coincidence that water is often used metaphorically to symbolize peace, life, and renewal.
As the first week of Advent unfolds, Christians worldwide light a candle of hope, reflecting on the promise of light in the darkness and the steadfast belief that better days are coming. In rural Chiapas, Mexico, this theme of hope resonates deeply, especially during the dry season—a time when communities embark on a determined quest for safe water while awaiting the life-giving rains.