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Love is expansive. When it flows from the true source of love, it knows no bounds. Love seeks wholeness and restoration for others, overflowing like water from a full vessel to refresh everyone nearby.

Loving Your Neighbor

In Huehuetenango, Guatemala, the Healing Waters team is building a community rooted in care and connection. Phase 1 of the project focused on Pajal, where existing infrastructure was repaired, and a new system was designed to deliver safe water to hundreds of households. Now, attention shifts to the neighboring community of Cipresales.

While both Pajal and Cipresales face poverty and marginalization, Cipresales is even more vulnerable, with limited access to water collection and purification options. Yet, the people of Pajal, instead of clinging to their newly improved resources, advocate for their neighbors in Cipresales to receive similar access to safe water. This profound act of love stems from an abundance mindset that prioritizes shared well-being over competition.

Now our dream is that noone goes without water.

Doña Vicki, Guatemala

Love vs. Fear

When fear drives us, we see scarcity everywhere, leading to competition and division. Fear whispers that there isn’t enough—not enough resources, opportunities, or compassion to go around. But love tells a different story. Love transforms competitors into neighbors and scarcity into sufficiency. Love compels us to ensure others are cared for and supported. While fear contracts, love expands.

Love and Water

The global water crisis is a monumental challenge, with two billion people lacking access to safe water and over 1,000 children dying every day from waterborne illnesses. Healing Waters is unique in addressing this crisis, specializing in large-scale solutions for rural and remote areas where water purification is particularly challenging. However, solving such a vast problem requires a collective effort. Nonprofits, governments, and individuals must work together, united by love and a shared vision for a world where everyone has access to safe water. Healing Waters embraces a collaborative approach, recognizing that true progress stems from unity, not isolation. 

Similarly, the Healing Waters field staff exude love wherever they go, deeply caring for each community and wanting to see people find wholeness and thrive both physically and spiritually. Upon entering a new community, they will say, “We come to bring you clean water in the name of Jesus.” Informed by this deeply felt belief in Christ, the source of all love, they operate with genuine care and compassion for every man, woman, and child. 

Love and Advent

As we journey through this Advent season, let us reflect on where we’ve allowed fear to shrink our hearts. Where have we resisted generosity? Where have we hesitated to see others as neighbors deserving of love and care? Let this season inspire us to expand, to give more of ourselves, and to love without limits.

Love, like water, is meant to flow freely. May it pour out of us, bringing restoration, abundance, and hope to a world in need.

We’re on a mission to end the global water crisis. We build holistic clean water solutions and spread God’s love in at-risk communities around the world, empowering people not just to survive, but to thrive – physically, socially and spiritually.

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Heidi Johnson

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