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What does it mean to “treat” water? On the surface it seems simple: “Treated water” is that which has been made safe to drink through some form of processing. This is presumably desirable for human health and global development. Taking a closer look however, the term is quite ambiguous: Does treating water imply putting something into it,…

2017 has been a year riddled with natural disasters that have hit very close to home. As we enter the last few months of this year, months that are filled with so much fun and festivity, I can’t help but think of all the people who won’t be heading into the holiday season with the…

Clean Water Project Success Rates

Clean water projects around the world don’t always have the most appealing success rates. The numbers vary but USAID has stated the number can be as high as 50%—meaning only half of the water projects around the world stay in operation after 5 years. There are so many factors that can play into the closure…

The following story was written by our Regional Health and Hygiene trainer in Chiapas, Mexico, following her stay in the village of Nuevo ParaĂ­so, where our Mexico team installed a water purification system and launched our Children’s Health & Hygiene Education program, “Fearfully and Wonderfully Made.” Mother, Synonymous with Life Nuevo ParaĂ­so, Chiapas. Place of commitment to…

Last week, I got to travel with an awesome group of people and visit our clean water projects in the Dominican Republic and Haiti. This was my first trip since joining the team at Healing Waters International so it meant I was actually interacting with our technology in the field for the first time. Here…

WASH Symposium

For the past few years, the University of Colorado has hosted a WASH (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene) Symposium at their Sustainability, Energy and Environment Complex in Boulder. They bring together global leaders from the WASH sector to discuss how we can learn from each other as we all work towards the same goals—improving sanitation practices…

When I have the opportunity to travel to the field, I get excited about seeing new installations and meeting with people who will receive safe water for the first time in their community. On my most recent trip, I was caught up in the anticipation as we set up for the ribbon-cutting ceremony at the inauguration of…

The Eglise de Dieu en Christ de la nouvelle Alliance church of 400 people located in Tabarre, Haiti has been providing clean water to its community for almost three years now. We sat down with Wilner Sejousana, the water store operator, and Nadine Louis Pierre Saby, to hear from them about how safe water is…

Who cares if young girls are being sold by their parents and violently trafficked by evil captors? Who cares if millions of political refugees are suffering and dying in overcrowded, unsanitary tent camps? Who cares about helpless children who have no voice to cry out for own their life? Who cares that children under 5 are dying of…