Hi everyone, my name is Kimberly Echeverria, but you can call me Kim! I’m originally from Guatemala, but moved to Texas when I was only a year old. Growing up in Texas was so much fun! As a young girl, I lived on my grandparents’ farm in a Nacogdoches, Texas. When I wasn’t in school, my cousins and I would have adventures all around the farm, such as riding four wheelers through the woods, bottle feeding our pet goats, riding horses, swimming in the pool or lake, and hiking. My favorite part of living out in the country was the feeling of freedom.
As I have gotten older, I still love being outside, and I also enjoy being with my friends and family, taking my miniature schnauzer on walks, and traveling. During my life there have been two events that have made the most impact on me. First, When I was a Junior in High School I went on a service trip to Guatemala to build chairs and desks for schools in rural towns of Guatemala. That experience was when I first felt a strong call to serve others. Second, when I was nineteen I went on a church service mission. This was a great time for me to completely loose myself in the service of others. I was able to help others learn that everyone is important and has a God that loves them.
Being from a multicultural family, I saw what life was like in the United States and Guatemala, and it always perplexed and upset me that my family in Guatemala were not given the same opportunities I was. By the time I was in my Junior year of High School, I had decided that I wanted to work in the nonprofit world to help those in developing countries like Guatemala to receive the opportunities they deserve, and I am most passionate about helping children receive an education and health benefits. I have had the opportunity to go back and visit Guatemala many times. During my many visits I’ve had experiences that have really opened my eyes to what it is like for so many people living in developing countries.
People all around the world have basic human needs that they are being deprived of, such as hygiene education, clean water, and healthy food. I think education and healthy living go hand in hand. If people don’t have access to clean water and nourishment, they won’t be able to thrive in school.
When I went into college, I struggled knowing what field to go into that could combine my passions. I decided on International Business because I felt that it would give me the opportunity to be a leading force in helping children receive an education and a healthy life. After finishing my undergraduate degree, I plan to get my Masters in non-profit management. I would love to work at a nonprofit one day that combines research in the WASH field and access to education.
This summer I have the amazing privilege of being an intern for Healing Waters International. My role at Healing Waters International is Campaign Coordinator and Social Media Marketing. There are so many aspects of my internship that I am excited about, but most of all, I am excited to be a spokesperson for all the many people around the world that haven’t had their voices heard. During our trip to the Dominican Republic, we met so many wonderful and brilliant people that deserve to have their stories told.
Whenever I travel I make a point to learn a little about the people and culture of whom I am visiting, and I learned that people from the Dominican are intelligent and full of energy. I especially enjoyed learning from the community leader in Consuelo, Pastor Julio. He is such a humble man and has enacted so much positive change in the community, such as helping run the water store, starting a bakery, and encouraging more community members to join the church. I can’t wait to tell more of his story and see what else this summer holds.
I hope to be a part of opening your eyes to the good and bad of the world, where you can encourage the good and change the bad!