My name is Joey Haas, and I’m the Graphic Design Intern for Healing Waters International for the summer! I’m headed into my senior year at the University of Miami in Florida as an Electronic Media major, which basically means I love journalism and design, especially when they are paired together in a creative and informative way. My love for playing around with shapes, colors, and typography started with an amazing graphic design introduction class I took my freshman year at UM, and my passion has only increased since. I love being able to take content and make it visually appealing through magazine layouts, informational graphics, and company logos.
I grew up in the great state of Colorado, and I have loved every minute of it; however, being able to spend time on the beach in Miami is incredible, too. I have a twin sister named Rachel who is exactly like me, but also nothing like me at the same time. Though some people think we were named after Friends characters, it’s just a coincidence. Other passions of mine include discovering new music, dancing with friends, and sharing a good laugh over any kind of dessert. I’m looking forward to sharing all the joys of Colorado with the other interns this summer.
I can’t wait for this internship to help sharpen my design skills and push me outside my comfort zone to attempt news feats creatively. Not only will I get to have lots of fun exploring the world of design from the standpoint of an inspiring non-profit, but also, I will get to make a small difference in a much larger problem that is the global water crisis over the span of this 10-week internship program. I’m excited to learn about how the world of design impacts marketing on an international level while working alongside an intern cohort whom I can brainstorm with.
This past week the five new interns got the chance to travel to Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic for a couple days to see the transformational change that Healing Waters has had on so many communities. On our first day in the DR, we went to a small, rural community called Hoyo Oscuro to participate in a “water walk” where we carried buckets of unsafe creek water down a rugged path. It helped me better understand the challenge women in the area used to experience daily for years before clean water came to the community through a Healing Water’s project.
On that slightly steep and muddy walk, I was wearing sandals that caused me to slip and lose traction. I complained consistently on the way to the water hole about my shoes when, suddenly, it hit me: I saw a little girl from the village walking ahead of me on the path barefoot. It didn’t seem to faze her at all, yet, here I was whining about my shoes. It was in that moment that I felt completely humbled by what I was experiencing. I realized the water walk wasn’t about me. It was intended to increase my awareness of individuals everywhere who are still making walks like this every day for something that is a basic human right, and it’s about making a lasting impact.
Moments like this that I have already experienced are some that I will use to continue to draw inspiration from as the internship progresses, and I can’t wait to see what the summer holds at Healing Waters!