We all know one of the harshest realities in our lives is that water is necessary for survival, but it remains a finite resource. Unfortunately, water is often mishandled, overused, and polluted to the point of creating issues with limited access to clean water in many parts of the world. This causes a phenomenon known as water scarcity, which may sound scary, but solutions do exist if we act together.
If you want to learn more and take part, we will discuss how water scarcity is affected by pollution, over-usage, and price gouging. Then we’ll look at different solutions to these factors that cause water scarcity, and how you can play a part in helping.
What is Water Scarcity?
Water scarcity refers to an area lacking enough physically available water to meet the demand. Water scarcity occurs in areas all around the world, from the arid water-starved southeastern United States, to overpopulated areas of India, Pakistan, and China, and to infrastructure-challenged areas of Africa.
At times, the concept of water stress may more appropriately match particular issues with water supply. Water stress encompasses water scarcity, as well as water accessibility and environmental factors, especially the quality of potable water sources. Water stress simply considers the overall access to clean water, not just its physical demand.
Key Issues to Address in Water Scarcity
Exploring the complexities of water scarcity involves confronting pollution, overusage, and pricing challenges. From combatting water dumping to encouraging responsible practices, these sections offer actionable steps for sustainable water management.
Address Pollution
Even the water available to us for consumption isn’t enough, simply because it is not usable. Pollution leading to the decline in the quality of the water supply is a huge cause of water scarcity.
Acts like water dumping have polluted drinking water for decades, and millions of people die from contaminated water each year. It doesn’t just stop there. The majority of wastewater finds its way back into our water systems, untreated. Many countries are still working on ways to better recycle wastewater. Many of these acts go beyond individual involvement and require participation from governments and corporations to put a stop to this.
To prevent pollution, reach out to a representative or local community to press for bans on water dumping.
Addressing Overuse
Overusing water is typically what causes water stress, as opposed to water scarcity. This occurs when an area has plenty of accessible water for the population but is being poorly managed to the point of dwindling.
On a smaller scale, many individuals can play a part in minimizing the amount of water they use each day. Education in local communities and making a conscious effort will go a long way towards both limiting water use, but also limiting pollution.
On a larger scale, the agriculture industry is known for using nearly 70% of the freshwater supply to grow crops, when it could be less. There are already many instances of watering crops in areas that don’t yield a substantial harvest. By performing an analysis, we can find ways to limit water use where it is not necessary.
Other industrial corporations are guilty of overusing water as well. While individuals can make small steps to decrease water use in their everyday lives, the largest impact will come from corporations lowering their water footprint. Corporations will have to work together and lead by example to lower water usage over time.
Address Clean Water Prices
There are some arguments that the cost of water service is not reflected in the price of water. This means there isn’t enough money to put into improving infrastructure and pollution in the communities that need it most. Lots of communities rely on old infrastructure, and water main line repairs keep adding up. Unfortunately, pipe breaks bring the loss of millions of gallons of water each year, so it’s an important issue to address.
Water is one of the only sources in existence where the price doesn’t reflect the scarcity. Most people, especially here in the United States, are accustomed to relatively low water prices, even though they have greatly increased over the past decade.
Taking a look at reforming water utility bills could help cover the cost of managing the water systems. Governments could impose taxes or tariffs on excessive water users, especially corporations. Rallying communities to vote in favor of higher taxes may prove difficult, but it will make a huge difference.
Solutions to Water Scarcity
At times, the first step to a solution begins with gaining awareness of the problem. This means educating both individuals facing water scarcity and those unaffected by it. Those lacking consistent access to clean water can be educated on proper hygiene practices to keep others safe so the problem does not worsen. Those not dealing with water scarcity can be informed on how they can provide help. Individuals and corporations must actively learn how they can change water consumption habits to prevent the water crisis from worsening in the future.
Water Infrastructure and Management
In certain regions, water scarcity is a result of poor water management, whether it’s outdated infrastructure that is in disrepair or the contamination of drinking water from sewage or chemicals used in agriculture. If the funds made from the purchasing of water is not reinvested into water management, equipment remains unrepaired and water safety levels go unmonitored.
Recycling Water
Gathering and storing rainwater for later use is a low-tech, simple solution for areas that get ample rainfall. Using rainwater shortly after it is caught is generally safe enough to use as drinking water and for agricultural purposes. In other areas with more advanced technology, wastewater and groundwater can be reclaimed and recycled so that it is safe for use.
Our Water Treatment Solutions
We’ve given you some points to consider. Now we can tell you how you can help with our solutions at Healing Waters International. For the communities that need it the most, we provide water treatment systems that bring safe drinking water at affordable prices.
Our systems treat water to remove all bacteria, parasites, and other harmful substances using either ultrafiltration or reverse osmosis. We set this system up for success based on what makes most sense for the community, so it can be operated without error. We provide clean bottles for the water, and make sure whatever components the community needs to upkeep the system can be acquired affordably and locally. Contact us for more information, we would love to tell you more!
What Can Be Done to Aid the Water Scarcity Crisis?
Luckily, there are solutions to reducing water usage, stopping pollution, addressing water prices, and providing water treatment systems for communities in need. We just need to work together and start acting today, but these issues get out of hand.
We at Healing Waters International are already providing solutions to water scarcity the best we can. Every community is unique, and we cater our solutions to best address the needs in the highest demand. We are committed to providing economically feasible solutions to as many people across the globe as possible. We want to ensure we leave communities empowered to continue teaching proper hygiene methods so the water supply remains clean and clear even after we leave.
Humans everywhere deserve to not only just survive, but to thrive in any way imaginable. Solutions to water scarcity often aren’t even brought up unless disaster occurs, but we want it to be on everybody’s minds. We want to continue the fight until 100% of people come into contact with safe water. We will need your help. Any contribution will make a powerful stand in our fight together to stop the water crisis. Please consider making a donation so we can continue to fund our solutions in our quest to provide clean water for all.